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Saturday, December 19, 2020

Ai carte, dar nu neaparat si parte 3

 So ambition is likely to be more pronounced in men than in women. Women didn’t need ambition in order to reproduce. Men did. Or at least, all else being equal, men with ambition left behind more children than men who lacked ambition. More of today’s men are descended from the forefathers with ambition.

Ai carte, nu neaparat ai si parte 2

 Women reproduced regardless of whether they strove for greatness. The women who did not strive for greatness had just as many babies as those who did. If anything, striving for greatness has often demanded (and still demands) a dedication to work and career that is diffi cult to reconcile with having a large brood of children. Hence, that passion for greatness may not be as deeply ingrained in the psychology of today’s women.

Limba romana - Ai carte, dar nu neaparat si parte

 Monogamy and other factors ensure that less successful men can have children, while even the most successful men, because of the monogamy laws, may have only one or two. Perhaps ironically,or as a spiteful victory of culture over nature, today’s downtrodden, unproductive, and feckless men often produce more children than sophisticated, wealthy, well-educated, successful men.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Maxima in limba romana

 Omul slab va alege mereu calea cea mai usoara. Putini vor fi cei care vor alege calea nebatatorita