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Friday, February 21, 2025

春 chūn (285) Easy Chinese Writing

https://www.youtube.com/shorts/AO_4xiDZd1k It's springtime in China, "stupid"!!! 春 chūn (285) Easy Chinese Writing #easychinesewriting

勿 wù How to say don't in Chinese (288) 勿忘国耻

勿忘國恥 ❤❤❤The boundless "love" affair between the Chinese and Japanese is expressed by this pithy idiomatic exhortation. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/VsNmuKe6ZC0

奚 xī (287) Easy Chinese Writing

奚 appears in 奚落 xīluò taunt, 奚幸 xīxìng worried, vexed. 祁奚 Qíxī (620-550 BC)minister of 晉國 祁奚之薦 - recommend the best man for the job independent of factional loyalty #easychinesewriting https://www.youtube.com/shorts/0ayzAe5Eq-k

Number 2 in Chinese - Ten ways to read and write 2 in Chinese


Monday, February 17, 2025

車chē The War between traditional characters and simplified characters 車chē 차 (262)


改 găi Ugly truth about Chinese characters 改 găi 개 (263)

In recent videos I talked about 伐,奴,取,and today I deal with 改. Listen to what I have to say about their one dark truth they share. Can you name other similar characters? https://www.youtube.com/shorts/3LpVSrxnFjc

巾 jīn Rags and Chinese writing (264)


殷 yīn Violence and Chinese writing (265)


歹dăi Sinister truth behind creepy Chinese writing Death and violence (266)


🔥🔥 灾 zăi🔥🔥Natural disasters in China 灾 zăi 재 (268)

🔥🔥災🔥🔥Natural disasters in China 灾 zăi 재 (268) https://www.youtube.com/shorts/y42ze0WPPSU

卒 Superb Military Fashion in China and writing (270)

#easychinesewriting #chinesecharacterswritingwithme #writechinesewithme #learnchinesewithme Chinese writing and the language itself are logically intertwined and make perfect sense even to a five-year-old first-grader in the remotest neon-flooded mountain hamlet in China. Let me explain. The character 卒 is a pictograph of a soldier's uniform. So the meaning of the character evolved to "soldier" as in 士卒. By extension, a soldier is a servant. So a dated meaning of 卒 is "servant" as in the expression走卒. Chinese chess is a battle of the minds, so the chessboard is a battleground where the 卒 is the "pawn". The ultimate fate of the soldier is to die in battle or elsewhete. That is why 卒 also is used as a verb meaning "to die" as in the expression 病卒 "to die of illness". Example: 他卒於一九九二年。 We all die in the end so we have to finish our business here on earth, "to finish" being a high-falutin meaning of 卒 like in the expression 卒其事, which means "to wind up the job". While still at the bussiness of finishing, 卒 also means "finally" as is in the idiom 卒底於成, "to finally succeed". To make matters less complicated and unburden the memory, 卒 (written variant of 猝 cù) is also pronounced as cù, meaning "abruptly" as in the expression 卒變 "sudden change". So, yes. Chinese writing and language make total sense, just like working in a cottonfield in the new border area. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/BiwhxDkabOk

衣 yī Beautiful Chinese fashion and wonderful Chinese clothes and writing (269)

衣 Yī is also a Chinese family name. How silly is that?! Calling someone Mr. Coat, or Mr. Underwear.... Chinese writing is the greatest in the world, until you read the small print. 衣 has two pronunciations. When it is read yì, it means "to wear, to clothe". Examples: 1. 衣布衣 yì bùyī "wear cotton clothes" 2. 解衣yī衣yì人 "doff one' garments to clothe smb. else" 胞衣 bāoyī means "placenta", quite the euphemism: "foetus coat". #easychinesewriting #chinesecharacterswritingwithme #learnchinesewithme https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Yxzqvm_Zs-0

犬 quăn🐕Dogs in China bark, wail and stink🐕 (272) Easy Chinese Writing


斤 jīn Easy Chinese Writing The Chinese battle axe (274)


習 xí Pronunciation, writing of Xi Jinping, leader of the CCP 習近平 Xí Jinping习近平 (273)


疾 jí Cure and disease in China, the truth is in the writing (276)

Cure and disease in China, the truth is in the writing 疾 jí (276) https://www.youtube.com/shorts/I3tglKuAudE

眉 méi Beautiful and delicate eyebrows (277) Easy Chinese Writing

Here are some popular expressions with 眉 眉目 prospect of a solution 眉宇 forehead 眉心 space between the eyebrows 眉睫之利 禍在眉睫 眉頭緊鎖 with knitted eyebrows 眉來眼去 眉歡眼笑 眉毛倒豎 眉目傳情 眉眼傳情 眉飛色舞 丟眉丟眼 丟眉弄色 低眉順眼 伸眉揚氣 喜眉笑眼 https://www.youtube.com/shorts/nMvu5ItHyfA

昏 hūn The sun is setting for China (278)

Some expressions with 昏 昏著 昏蒙 昏話 昏黑 昏迷 昏暗 昏倒 昏沉 昏睡 昏死 昏花 昏頭昏腦 昏定晨省 hūndìngchénxïng 昏或 昏着 #easychinesewriting #chinesecharacterswritingwithmircea #learnchinesewithmircea https://www.youtube.com/shorts/iDhJMaat_IM

敝 bì Old and shabby in China (ziua 279)

Old and Shabby Chinese style 敝舊 敝衣 敝帚自珍 敝人 敝姓 敝處 敝國 敝卒 敝于韓 #easychinesewriting #chinesecharacterswritingwithmircea #learnchinesewithmircea https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qd5onQ3S0Vw

雨 yŭ Singing in the rain in China (280)

Where does the character 雨 yŭ come from and how is it used as a radical component? This video will answer these questions. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/--DR_1uFAk8 #easychinesewriting #chinesecharacterswritingwithmircea #learnchinesewithmircea

兵 bīng Chinese and modern weapons and soldiers (281)

Chinese writing records history and the meaning of modern words. 兵 bīng is an example of the symbiosis between writing and history. Chinese writing records history and the meaning of modern words. 兵 bīng is an example of the symbiosis between writing and history. What I do not understand why the character is listed under the radical 八. Why in simplified chinese the character 兵 is used as a phonetic simplification for the traditional 賓. 滨 濱 缤 繽 摈 擯 髌 髕 殡 殯 傧 儐 Idioms with 兵 兵不厭詐 bīngbùyànzhà There can never be too much subterfuge in war. (All is fair in war.) 兵不血刃 bīngbùxuèrèn With blades unstained by blood. (Win victory without firing a single shot) 兵多將廣 bīngbuōjiàngguăng large army with able generals 兵強馬狀 bīngqiánmăzhuàng strong army https://www.youtube.com/shorts/wCsT7cRq888

弄 nòng Make The genius of Chinese manu-facture(282)

弄瓦弄璋 nòng wă nòng zhāng play with a tile, i.e. a daughter is born (from the early custom of giving a curved tile to a baby girl to play with, the tile was used as a weight for the spindle and symbolized the female), play with a jade tablet, i.e. a son is born (from the early custom of giving a baby boy a jade tablet to play with, symbol of masculinity) The character 弄 nòng is pretty straightforward. It appears in lots of expressions and idioms. Here are some samples: 弄髒 弄丟 弄懂 - 弄不懂 弄到手 弄巧成拙 nòngqiăochéngzhuō outsmart oneself 弄懂弄通nòngdõngnòngtōn弄歪 弄混 弄清事實 nòngqīngshìshí https://www.youtube.com/shorts/SnKlXO31p70

🔥🔥 The Chinese character that set the internet on fire 火 🔥 (283)

Expressions with 火: 惹火 心頭起火 他火兒了 火車 火箭🚀 火藥 火山 火星 火炬 火冒三丈 https://www.youtube.com/shorts/MkFksI6lkfw #easychinesewriting #chinesewritingwithmircea #chinesecharacterswritingwithmircea #learnchinesewithmircea

"Big" - fast and riculously easy Chinese 大 dà 대 (ziua 284) Easy Chinese Writing

If anyone says Chinese is easy should you believe them? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It is interesting that initially 大 meant "big" as in 大城市. But then it means "heavy", or "strong" in 風好大, 雪下得很大. On the other hand 大 means "loud" in 把收音機開大一點兒. It means "general" in 大反攻, 大手術, 大問題. A highly unusual meaning of 大 is a polite form of address for "your" 大札, 大作. And how would you translate: 天已大亮 or 大清早? https://www.youtube.com/shorts/3zQd3aDkvkQ