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Friday, April 8, 2011

Sentence Pattern 3

tāmen shì yí duì ēnàide fūqī
They are a very affectionate couple.
Grammar notes.
de, always pronounced with a neutral tone, is not used as a possessive marker alone. It performs as an adjective marker. 恩爱ēnài afection itself is a noun, but becomes adjectivized by the addition of : 恩爱的ēnàide affectionate.
is what the Chinese call 量词 measure words, otherwise known as classifiers. There are two types of measure words. One type of measure words are words that occur between a specifier or number and a noun. In the above sentence:
(numeral) + (classifier) + 恩爱的夫妻 (noun phrase).
Here is an example with the same sentence from above slighlty modified to illustrate the use of a classifier between a specifier and a noun:
zhè duì ēnàide fūqī wǒ dōu rènshi
I have already known this affectionate couple.
(specifier) + (classifier) + 恩爱的夫妻 (noun phrase)

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